Your minimum account balance, that does not fluctuate based on profit, that cannot be breached.
Consistency %
Soft daily stop will NOT fail your account. This is in place to stop bad days from knocking you out. Account will become active again the next trading day if Account Balance is greater than Static Minimum Balance.
Your minimum account balance, that does not fluctuate based on profit, that cannot be breached.
Consistency %
Soft daily stop will NOT fail your account. This is in place to stop bad days from knocking you out. Account will become active again the next trading day if Account Balance is greater than Static Minimum Balance.
Your minimum account balance, that does not fluctuate based on profit, that cannot be breached.
Consistency %
Soft daily stop will NOT fail your account. This is in place to stop bad days from knocking you out. Account will become active again the next trading day if Account Balance is greater than Static Minimum Balance.
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